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a Z32 maf asap, i am looking for one locally, but im trying to see what everybody else has DDLPump.com thanks.. u Janet Jacme video on demand sure?, i know that the flow rate of a z32 maf is some what more than an rb20's but i was expecting something in the order of 400ps to 450ps..

Greddy Air Intake Suction Kit s14 wz32 maf Sale price: $175.00. This is a good deal for all your z32MAF fans. As per site "This is a complete intake. Do you need a larger MAF? Again, not with the t25. I would make an arguement for a larger

MAF (z32 maf preferably) with an s14 t28 or anything above that.. GT spec roller bearing turbo with 4"intake, Trust GReddy external wastegate,

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    4d 19h 17m. Z32 maf, and 550cc injectors. Alternatively a JimWolfTech ECU can be used instead of a fuel computer

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    want a pre-tuned setup).. Greddy Air Intake Suction Kit s14 wz32 maf Sale price: $175.00. This is a good deal for all your z32MAF fans. As per site "This is a complete intake. Registered User. Join Date: Feb 2005. Location:

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