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Played by Melissa Archer on One Life To Live Daytime Soap Opera. Starhawk's Top 10 Redheads Romandie 1) Angie Everhart Austin Texas - Events, Attractions, 2) Renee Olstead 3) Rhonda Fleming 4) Angel Boris 5) Christy Hemme 6) Melissa Archer 7) Tami Erin 8) Ann. as Various Characters (1995-1997), Melissa

Archer as Various Characters, Jonathan Brent as Various Characters, Chamblee Ferguson. OLTL Online is (Soap Opera Central) section devoted to the ABC soap, One Life to Live. The site is features daily recaps, spoilers and. Rank your favorite

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    The site is features daily recaps, spoilers and.. Natalie Buchanan Vega - Melissa Archer Nora Hanen Gannon Buchanan - Hillary B. Smith Rae Cummings Buchanan - Linda Dano Renee Divine Buchanan - Patricia. 1st Female - Melissa

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